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Areola Tattooing now available from Dr. Sheina Macadam's office

Areola Tattooing is being offered through our office.

Tattooing or Micropigmentation is a simple, fast procedure done in our office as the finishing touch in a patient’s breast reconstruction. It is usually done 3 months post nipple reconstruction. Areola tattooing involves implanting hypoallergenic pigments (color) into the very top layers of your skin with a tattoo gun or pen. Depending on unilateral or bilateral, the tattooing process can take 45 to 90 minutes.

Tattooing is performed by Andrea Rheaume. Dr. Macadam is present to administer freezing and discuss size and shape. Colours are chosen based on your pre-mastectomy pictures or by matching your native areola. If pre-mastectomy photos are not available, we can work together to find a colour that works for you and suits your skin tone. If this is something you have been waiting to have done, call our office to schedule your appointment.

Cosmetic areola tattooing equipment

Areola tattooing from Dr. Sheina Macadam's office

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