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Frequently Asked Questions for Liposuction


1. Is there anything I need to avoid prior to surgery?


Please do not take any blood thinners such as non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like Ibuprofen (Advil), Naproxen and others, Aspirin or Coumadin prior to surgery. 


Please stop your birth control pill 2- 4 weeks prior to surgery as this may increase the risk of blood clots.


We recommend discontinuing all herbal medications prior to surgery. Specifically, the following herbal medications may cause blood thinning, cardiovascular instability or interact with other drugs given to you for anesthesia:

  • Ginko Biloba

  • Garlic in pill form

  • Ginseng

  • Fish Oil

  • Dong Quai

  • Feverfew

  • Ephedra

  • Kaya

  • St Johns Wort

  • Valerian Root

  • Licorice

  • Echinacea

  • Goldenseal

  • Large Dose of Vitamin E


Recreational Drugs or Alcohol should not be used 24 hours before and after surgery. These may interact with your anesthetic or post operative pain killers and cause serious complications.


Do not smoke for 1 month prior to and 1 month after surgery. Nicotine in cigarettes will cause problems with healing, increased risk of infection and the possibility of dead skin after surgery.


Get 8 hours of sleep per night in the two weeks prior to surgery. This will boost your immune system.


You will not be able to have anything to eat or drink the night before surgery. The surgery centre will call you with specific instructions.


Please call our office immediately if your health condition changes (flu, urinary tract infection, cold, fever) before surgery.

2. Do I need to buy a compression garment prior to surgery?

Yes. The garment will then be transferred to the surgery centre and Dr Macadam will place you in the garment on the day of surgery.

3. Will I see Dr Macadam on the day of surgery?


Yes, Dr Macadam will see you and mark you for surgery right before the surgery occurs.

4. What will happen when I leave the surgery centre?


You will have tapes on your incisions and then another bandage over the tapes. You will have a compression garment around the area where liposuction was performed. You may open the compression garment a few times a day when you are resting. 


You will have prescriptions for an antibiotic to prevent infection and a pain killer (Empracet). Take the Empracet every 4 hours for the first 48 hours. After the first 48 hours try to use only the Empracet as needed.

5. When will I see Dr Macadam after surgery?


Our office will usually make your postoperative appointment prior to your surgery date. If this hasn’t been done please call the office to book an appointment for one week after surgery.

6. How long do I need to wear the compression garment after surgery?


For one month 24h/day and then for 2 weeks at night only.

9. What are things to look for after surgery?


After you are discharged from the hospital, there are a few things to watch during your healing process. If you see any of the following try calling Dr Macadam. If you cannot reach her please call VGH at 604‐875‐4111 and ask to page the plastic surgeon on call:

  • Leg Swelling

  • Shortness of Breath

  • Redness around your incisions

  • Swelling of the surgical site

10. When can I drive?


Every patient is different. We recommend that you be off of all narcotic medications prior to driving. You will need to feel comfortable enough to make a sudden turn of the steering wheel. For most patients this is at about 10-14 days after surgery.

If you have any other questions during your post‐operative course, feel free to contact our office or email Dr. Macadam at

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