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what is?


1. What is microneedling?

Microneedling involves insertion of very fine, short needles into the skin. This stimulates creation of new collagen and elastin which create a plumper, more luminous skin tone. Most patients treat the face with microneedling, but studies have shown that microneedling can stimulate dormant hair follicles. In combination with Minoxidil, microneedling can be used to treat hair loss. The procedure takes about 2 hours including prep time which includes a topical anaesthetic to reduce pain. Specific areas treated by microneedling include acne scars, sun spots, fine lines, large pores, reduced skin elasticity and uneven skin tone.

This procedure is not safe for patients who use retinol based medications and some acne medications. Risks include bleeding, pigmentation, bruising, and infection. If you have a history of bad scarring or you are pregnant you should not proceed with microneedling.

2. Are there any risks to treatment with microneedling?
  • Discontinue blood thinners such as ASA and Ibuprofen

  • Avoid alcohol for one day before, the day of and one day after treatment

  • No vigorous exercise for 48 hours after treatment to minimize the risk of bruising and prevent diffusion in the case of Botox

  • If you take medication for oral or facial herpes please consult Dr Macadam prior to treatment

  • Avoid retinol for 2 days before and after treatment

  • Avoid chemical peels for one month after treatment

3. Pre- and Post-Treatment
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